COMPLETED JOURNEY WITHOUT ADHESIVES, Bahamas postal history cover with red ink LOVELY BAY temporary rubber datestamp MAY 16 1958 to Houston, missent to Dallas, Texas MAY 23 1958, endorsed “Received without stamps at Bellaire” (a suburb of Houston). £55
BELIZE full cover with blue ink MISSENT TO BELIZE £14
STANIARD CREEK, Bahamas POSTMARK REQUEST REPLY CARD: sent out from Brighton, Sussex with GB QE2 2˝d for prepaid return arriving in the wrong country as struck with purple boxed “Missent to Bahamas”, dutifully returned with Staniard Creek 22 APR 71 sample cds, no text or b/stamps. £40
BAHAMAS full QV 2˝d PSE pmk'd C/FE 1 93 to Sutton, Surrey missent Reigate, backstamps. £48
8 (used ISIPINGO), Natal postal history MISSENT to Scotland 1883 cover to Mrs. J. N. Leonard, Scotland, Massachusetts with QV ˝d CC wmk, 1d, 6d CA wmk pmk'd "8" obliterators with two strikes circled "MISSENT" alongside address panel, reverse Durban 25 AU 83 shield, London SP 25 93, New York OCT 6 83 Paid All, Waltham OCT 6 1883 arrival. £175
MISSENT MAIL TO THE CAPTAIN OF A STEAM SHIP, Grenada postal history 1948 cover intended for Captain. E. W. Hensen on the S/S Alcoa Roamer care of the Alcoa Steamship Company in Mobile, Alabama with KG6 2˝d x 2, 6d (11d rate) pmk'd GPO Grenada 10 DE 48, presumed no longer working for the company as purple "Missent to ......." handstamp applied, backstamped light Spring Hills, Ala 14 DEC 48 machine. £75
BRITISH HONDURAS via DUBLIN to GLASGOW postal history 1892 interrupted mail cover with W. BINNEY & Co., Belize colourless embossed flap to Glasgow, Scotland with QV 6c tied "0" obliterator with BELIZE A/JA 15 92 despatch, postmarked DUBLIN FE 2 92 and on reverse GLASGOW FE 3 93 arrival. £175
GREAT BRITAIN to BAMENDA, CAMEROON missent BARBADOS and BERMUDA postal history 1931 cover with GB KGV 1˝d tied Glasgow machine dated 3 SEP 1931 to "BAMENDA, B.W.I." with handstruck "NOT KNOWN" and "ADVERTISED" applied Barbados 19 SEP 1931 (backstamp) with manuscript "Try Bermuda" amended "Not" with "Try" deleted with Hamilton 23 NOV 31 backstamp, originally poorly opened 3 sides but frontal tear at right sealed with tear at left open. £120
MISSENT TO GRENADA, Trinidad to Holland postal history 1903 use of Trinidad KE7 ˝d newswrapper, the front portion pmk'd Port of Spain E/MR 28 03 with str. line "MISSENT TO GRENADA" and attractively showing Amsterdam 25 APR 03 arrival. £125
ARGENTINA to Jamaica missent Bermuda postal history 1951 cover with 5c x 2, 35c, 1 peso pmk'd Callao 16 JUL 51 to Jamaica with red str. line "MISSENT TO BERMUDA", reverse crisply struck Hamilton 12 SEP 51 and Morant Bay OC 3 51. £80
BICKERSTETH, Jamaica postal history 1991 cover to Mandeville P.O. with pair 25c fish pmk'd BICKERSTETH FE 25 91 with large purple "MISSENT" and reverse with JONES TOWN POST OFFICE purple TRD dated 28 FEB 1991. £14