BICKERSTETH, Jamaica postal history 1991 cover to Mandeville P.O. with pair 25c fish pmk'd BICKERSTETH FE 25 91 with large purple "MISSENT" and reverse with JONES TOWN POST OFFICE purple TRD dated 28 FEB 1991. £14
BRITISH GUIANA postal history 1958(?) cover to Bodmin, Cornwall with QE2 5c pair, 6c pmk'd 23 MY with purple "NOT IN THE AIR MAIL." and 3-line "Insufficient Postage for/transmission by/Air Mail." handstamps. £16
OFFICIAL-PAID, BARBUDA postal history 1939 stampless OHMS to New York with OFFICIAL-PAID */JY 30 39 and purple WARDEN/(crown)/BARBUDA cachet, missing large part of flap. £50
BULAWAYO 1., Rhodesia postal history 1942 stampless On Active Service cover to Goole, Yorkshire with sender address on flap pmk'd BULAWAYO 1. dated 10 JUL 42 with purple crowned RHODESIAN/OFFICIAL PAID/AIR TRAINING GROUP cachet. £36
ITW (Initial Training Wing) BULAWAYO, Rhodesia postal history 1944 stampless On Active Service cover to London with sender address on flap pmk'd ITW BULAWAYO FE 23 44 with purple OPENED BY CENSOR and crowned RHODESIA/OFFICIAL PAID/AIR TRAINING GROUP cachet. £40
ITW (Initial Training Wing) BULAWAYO, Rhodesia postal history 1944 stampless On Active Service cover to London with sender address on flap pmk'd ITW BULAWAYO MR 15 44 with purple PASSED/CENSOR/A B/No.6 and crowned RHODESIA/OFFICIAL PAID/AIR TRAINING GROUP cachet. £32
BARBADOS postal history 1937 unsealed rate cover to Marine Hotel, Hastings with ½d Badge pmk'd III MAR 1937 machine cancel, purple 5-line handstamp "YOUR POSTMAN'S ROUTE IS/CHRIST CHURCH NO. 14/Please include it as part of your Address, and ask on correspond/dents to do so (Proud Type 145). £250
2nd (Nyasaland) Battalion King's African Rifles, Rhodesia postal history 1955 cover with ORDERLY ROOM cachet and Lusaka */4 AP 55 despatch to Lahore, Pakistan. £24
BERMUDA postal history Purple "43" (CM21) on cover from Mrs Olive Gibbons (flap) with KG6 3d pmk'd Hamilton 7 DEC 1942 to Forest Grove, Maryland with handstruck "RETOUR/REBUT" on face, black oval "278" on reverse. £125
BERMUDA postal history Purple "20" (CM21) on KG6 ½d, 1d cover pmk'd Hamilton 5 OCT 39 to Sydenham, London. £180
SAINT ANNS BAY, JAMAICA to SWITZERLAND postal history 1896 cover to Horgen, Switzerland with QV ½d, pair QV 1d (SG.16a,27) pmk'd SAINT ANNS BAY DE 7 96, reverse fine sender's cachet. £40
BAHAMAS postal history 1909 destruction by earthquake of Myrtle Bank Hotel, Jamaica Post Card to Irvington, N.J. with KE7 1d tied purple Hamburg-American Line/Atlas Service PRINZ AUGUST WILHELM d/ring oval dated APR 15 1909, Pitch Lake, Trinidad sticker added by sender. £200
MALTA postal history 1952 stampless OHMS cover pmk'd BRITISH FLEET MAIL 10 dated */12 AU 52 to C in C, HMS Vanguard, London with purple H.M. s/m "TALENT" submarine cachet. £24
BARBADOS postal history 1959 cover to Grenada with QE2 6c pmk'd 15 AUG 1959 with purple OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF POLICE cachet alongside. £12
GRENADA postal history 1944 stampless OHMS/S. DE S.M. cover to Mrs Rose Joseph, Gouyave Estate with purple oval WINDWARD ISLANDS/2 DEC 1944/GARRISON H.Q. cachet, reverse GOUYAVE */11 DE 44 and */14 DE 44 d/rings. £95
SOUTHERN RHODESIA postal history 1941 "On Active Service " stampless cover to Bulawayo with purple oval KING GEORGE VI BARRACKS HEADQUARTERS OFFICE cachet dated 28 JAN 1941. £48
CHAPLAINS OFFICE 2 BLACK WATCH, British Guiana postal history 1955 unused OHMS foolscap cover with OHMS label added pmk'd F.P.O.955 cds dated */9 MY 55 with handstruck purple cachet CERTIFIED OFFICIAL/9 MAY 1955/CHAPLAINS OFFICE/2 BLACK WATCH to The Chief Staff Chaplain, Berkeley Square, London. T+H handbook Pages 246-247 record use for the F.P.O. 955 cds for period OC 23 53 to JY 10 54 £65
FIELD POST OFFICE 154, British Guiana postal history 1962 cover with GB QE2 ½d, 2½d pmk'd A/26 FE 62 to Cheadle Hulme, Stockport with purple cachet ORDERLY ROOM/1st BN THE EAST ANGLIAN REGT dated 25 FEB 1962. T+H Pages 246-247 record a single dated use of MR 21 62 £48
SIGNAL CENTRE, British Guiana postal history 1964 OHMS economy envelope handstamped front and back with purple "RESTRICTED", reverse with SIGNAL CENTRE cachet dated 16 JUN 1964. £60
REFUGEE CAMP, SPRINGFONTEIN, Orange River Colony postal history 1901 cover dated "3/8/01" at top in red ink with 1d V.R.I. to Paarl, interesting circled red "X" on address panel. £180