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1276 used BLANCO, Cape of Good Hope postal history
dated DE 2 03 on QV ONE PENNY on 1½d Post Card to Sheddencote, Wynberg, full reverse text.

207 used KENILWORTH, Cape of Good Hope postal history
on QV 1d on 1½d Post Card to Earls Court, London dated 4/OC 22 98, light toning.

YUNDUM AIRPORT, Gambia postal history
*/26 JY 65 on First Airmail from Yundum Airport with QE2 4d, 6d (reverse), 1/3d to Scotland, blue BATH reg. label, reverse GAMBIA FIELD FORCE sender's h/stamp.

SALONIKA mailbag postmark on British Levant stamp
tying 1909 30 PARAS on GB ovp'd KE7 1½d (SG.16) on 26 OKT (12) cover to Athens.

YUBIN KYOKU TAIPING, Perak postal history
dated 18 JUN on Japanese Occupation 8c Pahang cover from Veterinary Officer to Ipoh.

30, Orange River Colony postal history
on CGH "ONE PENNY" on QV 1½d ovp'd "O.R.C." Post Card to Germany with design pmk'd DEWETSDORP 22 JUL 1905 d/ring, reverse headed "Kassel via Dewetsdorp".

30, Orange River Colony postal history
on KE7 1d PSE with added V.R.I. 2d (SG.114) to Germany, b/stamped DEWETSDORP 19 NO 04.

A66 used PORT MARIA, Jamaica postal history
tying "TWO PENCE/HALF PENNY" on QV 4d red-brown (SG.30) with "HALF.-" variety (looks like "HALE) on cover to Scotland b/stamped Port Maria FE 1 91, New York FE 18 91 and Dundee MR 2 91, toning, small part flap removed. Village covers for this issue seldom encountered.

PILGRIMS REST, Transvaal postal history
dated 26 SEP 08 on 2 x ½d E.R.I. (SG.238) on cover to London, England, opened most of two sides, peripheral faults.

PRETORIA 1, Transvaal postal history
censored cover with 3 x 1d E.R.I. dated 25 OCT 01 to P.O.W. in Ceylon with Durban, Natal transit, soiled.

TRANSVAAL postal history:
taxed 1d V.R.I. rate cover pmk'd Pretoria 7 JUL 00 to Scotland, peripheral faults and most of flap removed.

LADYBRAND, Orange River Colony postal history
on 2d on 2d, 3d on 3d V.R.I. reg. censored cover dated AU 22 01 to London, England.

BRASS RIVER, Niger Coast
dated A/MR 4 96 on N.C.P. 1d Post Card to England, full newsy text.

1900 (AP 7) BOER WAR - BLOEMFONTEIN O.V.S., Orange River Colony
early V.R.I. civilian mail cover (non-military) dated AP 7 00 with 2 x ½d to Port Elizabeth, b/stamped AP 9 arrival.
Bloemfontein, capital of the OFS, fell to the British 26 days earlier on March 13, 1900. (When Pretoria, capital of the Transvaal, was re-occupied by the British on June 5 1900, a civilan postal service began 13 days later).

BETHANY (STATION excised) R.O., Orange River Colony
the tall letters cds (Putzel unlisted) dated SP 4 (00) on ½d Brief Kaart uprated with ½d for Germany, b/stamped Bloemfontein SP 4 19(00).
The BETHANY STATION R.O. sighting was taken from the Batten collection (still intact) where only the "S" was visible but a full strike on loose stamp shows it to be BETHANY SIDING R.O. The correction will appear in the Putzel addendum

BRANDFORT, Orange River Colony
dated MY 25 03 on ½d, 2 x 1d mourning cover to Switzerland

cover dated A/NO 26 01 to Miss Baker c/o Capt. Baker in Georgetown b/stamped 10 JAN 2 arrival, some soiling etc. Interesting research item

653 used MONTAGU, Cape of Good Hope postal history
B/MR 26 96 on ONE HALFPENNY on QV 1d Post Card to Cape Town.

TRANSVAAL postal history:
1901 ½d Briefkaart with added 1d tied both Pretoria 5 MR 01 with BOTHA'S HILL, Natal A/MR 8 01 arrival.

the bogus "Revenue" and "HALF PENNY" overprints on diagonally perforated genuine QV 1d carmine (SG.92) tied faked Barbados duplex A/JA 4 87 on cover to St. Christopher showing both red and black faked arrival cancels. Opened-out for display, a little fragile with small faults, only entire seen as such. BPA cert as faked cover.
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