ST used STUBBS with bold "R" combination, St. Vincent postmark/cancel both in matching red ink with best interpretation of day slug as AP 1 79 on QV 1d black upr. star wmk (SG.18), toning and base perf. faults. Ex DUGGLEBY £70
"A10", superb on SG.2/SG.44a combination! superbly struck on usual fuzzy appearance both name and duty plate area 1861 QV 6d deep yellow-green (SG.2) with CROWN CA REVERSED wmk (1883 QV 6d deep green SG.44a) as re-perforated and re-backed, facial fault. £48
STUBBS, St. Vincent postmark/cancel dated C/JU 26 91 on QV 1d red (SG.48b). £28
ST used STUBBS, St. Vincent postmark/cancel in red dated MR 80 81 (day slug error) on QV 1d olive (SG.29), straight edge at base. A similar but stronger example is found PML Page 102 £75
BARROUALLIE with REGISTERED handstamp, St. Vincent postmark/cancel Myerscough cover piece with QV ½d green strip of three (SG.47) tied Kingstown A/MR 31 98 cds, alongside both light BARROUALLIE MR 31 98 and REGISTERED plus London B/3 AP 98 hooded arrival. £20
Southern Cross plate flaw with broken "F" variety, St. Vincent stamps a fresh mounted mint copy of the 1894 FIVE PENCE on QV 6d lake (SG.60b) showing combination broken "F" in "FIVE" and the three distinctive coloured marks on Queen's neck (aptly named the Southern Cross plate flaw by Peter Jaffe) as always found on Row 5/1 of the complete sheet. £18
Southern Cross plate flaw WITHOUT short "F", St. Vincent stamp: a fresh mounted mint copy presumably from the FIRST PRINTING of the 1893 FIVE PENCE on QV 6d carmine-lake (SG.60) showing combination full "F" in "FIVE" and the three distinctive coloured marks on Queen's neck (aptly named the Southern Cross plate flaw by Peter Jaffe) as always found in conjunction with the short "F" overprint variety on Row 5/1 of the complete sheet. Not previously seen by me. £140
ST. VINCENT - DUKE DE POLIGNAC correspondence - Price £48 You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy (no refunds). 128 covers mostly colour illustrated (only 3 without scans) with descriptions for each including provenance where known, arranged in chronological sequence. A real guide to which covers to buy covering pre-stamp (2), GB used in St. Vincent period, the Siege of Paris period.
Price £48 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer. Information is everything....order your copy today. £48
UNION-ISLAND, St. Vincent postmark/cancel s/ways down C/JY 13 -- (no year) on horiz. pair 1905 KE7 ½d MCA wmk (SG.85). £36
MESOPOTAMIA, St. Vincent postmark/cancel C/DE 20 86 on QV 1d rose (SG.48a). £36
COLONARIE, St. Vincent postmark/cancel C/JU 8 87 on QV 1d rose (SG.48a). £24
The unique red ink RABACCA, St. Vincent postmark/cancel Newly discovered dated C/FE 6 98 on 1897 QV 5d sepia (SG.62). Ex Ron Cronin collection. £525
GB/40c used BIABOU, St. Vincent postmarks/cancels currently the finest strike known in red ink on 1881 QV 4d blue (SG.38), perf. faults predominantly at left. Only one other partial red GB/40c recorded on SG.38. £275
ST. VINCENT stamps: 1875 QV 6d deep blue-green, wmk UPRIGHT small star (SG.19c, Cat.£2250 as normal mint), fine unused, with gum traces, cancelled by single ruled line as SPECIMEN status. £125
ST. VINCENT stamps: 1892 5/- purple ovp'd REVENUE (PML.49) badly thinned dated "2/5/94" and 1894 5/- greyish-purple ovp'd REVENUE (PML.50) fine used. £18
MONTSERRAT to ST. VINCENT (but did not reach St. Vincent) 1974 tatty commercial cover from Radio Antilles with 3 x 5c UPU (one tied on reverse) pmk'd */6 AU 74 addressed Questelles Village, handstruck "INSUFFICIENT ADDRESS" as St. Vincent not included in address line. £15
MUSTIQUE ISLAND postal history A London School of Accountancy brown manilla envelope returned by added Educational Exercises Only label, opened each end to make a wrapper for returned printed matter with QE2 5c tied extremely rare blue ink MUSTIQUE temporary rubber datestamp 13.3.56. £150
OFFICIAL LETTER ST. VINCENT PREMIER to GERALD FORD AT THE WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON The duplicate letter (in case original lost or damaged) as carried to the White House for the presentation of the Presidents of America bicentennial issue. Carried flat, without envelope by the St. Vincent delegation £500
KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent postal history red KINGSTOWN C/MY 13 88 arrival on incoming Trinidad QV 2d PSRE with added QV 2½d (faults) to William Thomas, Georgetown, St. Vincent pmk'd ST. JOSEPH A/MY 12 88. £90
ST. VINCENT cds dated A/AP 8 82 on 1881 Perkins Bacon QV 1d drab (SG.37). Very rare as such. Only two examples of this black ST. VINCENT cds are recorded, by me, on this issue, both dated A/AP 8 82, which undoubtedly were soaked off and split up from a horizontal strip of four on UPU 4d rate cover to the UK. The other copy shows extra cds rims at both left and right, but the two copies do not re-join. £75