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Complete KGV ½d yellow-green newswrapper with added Badge ½d green marked "Book Post" pmk'd Kingston 3K/SP 20 15 d/ring to Domburg, Holland, mauve 2-line "Censuur/Gepasseerd" handstamp. A very rare example of a censored newswrapper.

GREAT BRITAIN used with "A01" obliterator at Kingston, JAMAICA (1858-1860). Price £60
You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy by pdf (no refunds). 184 covers, a study mostly in b/w, which makes its own statement due the lack of excitement attached to the many 6d packet rate covers to the UK. However, if you think this would be low down on your list for a display, the lack of colour is made up by character, and a fine display can embrace destinations (only one to the USA and the Civil War blockade still far off!), the rare twin "A01", the unique 6d with JAMAICA/SHIP LETTER alongside to Ryde I.O.W., the 1/- green cover, GB added on incoming transit from Santa Marta, Colombia, mail to the Post Towns, and in addition to the very common 6d packet rates of 3d, 4d, 8d, 9d, 1/-, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 2/-, 2/8d, 3/-, 9/- will be found. Provenance added when known. 38 pages (A4 size) Price £60 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer. PDFs incur no dreaded import duty, once ordered can be with you in seconds any part of the World.

You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy (no refunds), which can be usefully carried to Stamp Fairs or Auctions on your tablet or laptop. 59 covers, commencing with single March 1858 NEW SOUTH WALES cover as Major of Brigade 77th Regiment, then after the 77th (the East Middlesex) Regiment of Foot sailed the following month to help suppress the Indian Rebellion, the correspondence continues from Kingston and Gordon Town, Jamaica to India and Cabul (Afghanistan), and ends addressed to the Clarence Barracks, Portsmouth, England. 15 pages (A4 size) Price £25 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer. Order your copy today.

RUSSIA to JAMAICA postal history
1905 col. ppc with 4kon tied Moscow 18.8.05 datestamp to the Manager of the Titchfield Cottages showing KINGSTON and PORT ANTONIO SE 20 05 arrivals.

You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy (no refunds). Over 2,000 combinations individually priced. 1,725 colour illustrations of numeral combinations plus further 61 colour illustrations related items (cds used when numeral missing/lost etc) + 30 colour illustrations of selected covers. 149 pages (A4 size) Price £120 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer. Information is everything....order your copy today.

full strike on QV 2d CC wmk (SG.9a), vertical crease but most unusual.

KINGSTON, JAMAICA - to Robertson Gladstone, brother of the future British Prime Minister.
1841 lengthy and newsy 4 page entire from Archibald Kelso to Robertson Gladstone, Liverpool rated 1/- unpaid (quarter ounce rate JA 1 1840 to DE 31 1841) with KINGSTON, JAMAICA dbl-arc dated JY 29 1841, contents include "I have since received yours of the 15th alto announcing the result of Sir R. Peel's motion of a want of confidence. I am glad to observe that the Conservatives will return an overwhelming majority of members for the next Parliament. Your Brother...."
The 1841 United Kingdom general election, was held between 29 June and 22 July 1841 to elect the new Parliament of the United Kingdom. In this election, there was a large swing as Sir Robert Peel's Conservatives took control of the House of Commons. Melbourne's Whigs had seen their support in the Commons erode over the previous years. Whilst Melbourne enjoyed the firm support of the young Queen Victoria, his ministry had seen increasing defeats in the Commons, culminating in the defeat of the government's budget in May 1841 by 36 votes, and by 1 vote in a 4 June 1841 vote of no confidence put forward by Peel. According to precedent, Melbourne's defeat required his resignation.

UP-PARK-CAMP, Jamaica postmark
(SQC) dated MR 28 08 on 1d SER.ET variety (SG.34a, Cat.£35).

TURKS ISLANDS sender cover used ORACABESSA, Jamaica
full cover with Grand Turk sender address with Jamaica KG6 Coronation trio pmk'd Oracabessa MY 12 37 addressed Oracabessa.

1944 cover from Major V.C. Underhill, Pomono P.O., Stann Creek with KG6 29c rate pmk'd STANN CREEK 20 JU 44 to Col. H.S. Hodgson, Territorial Commander, The Salvation Army, Kingston, Jamaica, OPENED BY EXAMINER I.D./8833 label, some soiling.

Cover from Major Aston Davis, Belize (flap) to Lt. Col. George Robinson, Chief Secretary, The Salvation Army, Kingston, Jamaica with KG6 29c rate indistinctly pmk'd, OPENED BY EXAMINER J./8171 appened "B" in blue manuscript.

Egypt 5m carmine UPU Post Card to the wife of Col. Caulfield, Up Park Camp, Jamaica pmk'd ALEXANDRIE 16 XI 93 with London NO 22 93, Kingston and UP-PARK-CAMP DE 8 93 arrivals, cross written message.

STREET LETTER BOX KINGSTON, Jamaica postal history
1896 unusual triangle mourning cover to New York pm'd 3A/NO 2 96.

1886 underpaid printed return cover with Jamaica QV 4d tied Kingston MR 23 86 sqc to New York collecting tax and “16 Cents” charge handstamps, on arrival pre-cancelled in blue ink U.S. 2 x 3c, 10c Postage Dues added.

1891 cover with U.S. 5c with SWAMPSCOTT MAY 13 1891 to Capt. L.D. Baker, Port Antonio, Jamaica with Boston (MY 13), Kingston (MY 23) and Port Antonio (MY 24 91) b/stamps, reverse stained. The actual history of the UFCo does not start until its foundation in 1899 but the “legend” of the Company goes back to May 1870 when Captain Lorenzo Dow Baker, a well-known Yankee sea captain and owner of the two-masted schooner “Telegraph” arrived in Jamaica from his home port of Wellfield, Massachusetts and filled spare deck cargo space for his return trip to New Jersey with 160 stems of bananas purchased at 14 cents each. On arrival in Jersey City he found they readily sold on the quayside at $2 per stem, and so began Captain Baker’s interest in the banana industry. Six years later in 1876 Captain Baker joined forces with Andrew W. Preston to found the Boston Fruit Company. Some 20 years later forces were joined with Minor C. Keith who had built a railroad in Costa Rica and was using it to transport bananas from the plantations. The three men, each giants in their own field, evolved plans to form a new Company, and on the 30th March 1899 co-founded a new firm, to be called the United Fruit Company, with assets of some 213,000 acres of land in the Central American Republics, some 110 miles of railway, a small fleet of ships and approximately $11,000,000 in capital. Captain Baker’s initial 160 stems of bananas turned into 17,000,000 stems being shipped annually for consumption in the USA by 1899.

R.A.F. ground crews WAR EFFORT MAIL, Jamaica postal history
In 1943 a scheme for the recruitment of tradesmen and technicians for the ground staff of the Royal Air Force was started in the West Indies. The scheme was a success and in March 1944 some 2000 West Indians were brought to England for ground staff duties in the RAF. The majority were Jamaicans but recruits from all West Indies colonies including British Guiana and British Honduras were amongst them. A further contingent of 1,935 arrived in the December and some West Indians were accepted for aircrew. The illustrated cover from Mandeville pmk’d SP 15 1945 is addressed to 723156 a/c Gardner O.G., c/o West India Committee, London and forwarded 3 OCT 1945 to 72.MU. R.A.F. CAMP, Roade, Northamptonshire.

meter machine cancel dated 18 II 56

full cover to Kingston pmk'd Nassau OCT 1 1941 with SALVATION ARMY arrival cachet.

SPRING HILL, Jamaica postmark/cancel
(D/R) AU 16 01 on QV ½d (SG.16a).

DARLEY, Jamaica postmark/cancel
purple TRD dated JUL 9 1946 on KG6 1d piece, reverse ST. MARGARETS BAY same dated d/ring.
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