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St. Marks "B", Grenada postmark/cancel
dated SEP 8 1862 on 1861 QV Chalon 6d rose No wmk (SG.3), minor crease.
Office closed DE 31 1862 and re-opened October 1872

GREAT BRITAIN used GRENADA postal history (1858-1860). Price £36
You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy by pdf (no refunds). Can arrive in your desktop, tablet, laptop in seconds with no hold up at customs for import duty. This file most suitable to take to auctions, stamp fairs, philatelic gatherings, or just to show other interested collectors, and essential to the newcomer thinking of making a display. 92 covers, a study mostly in b/w, which makes its own statement due the lack of excitement attached to the many GB 6d packet rate covers to the UK (often enormously overestimated by auction houses, dealers alike). A one frame would easily embrace the 6d single, 1/- double, 2/- quadruple rates to UK, offers two very rare REGISTERED covers to the UK, and most unusually has GB stamps affixed at Grenada's Carriacou island taken up the Grenadines chain for posting with St. Vincent Kingston "A10". . Provenance added when known. 27 pages (A4 size) Price £36 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer.

GRENADA sans-serif dbl-arc (only 4 known)
(T.8) part contents wrapper to Major General Sir Robert Houston KGB in Clerkington, near Haddington rated 1/-, top flap displays GRENADA AU 27 1850 without code dbl-arc, London SP 19 and blue Haddington SP 20 arrivals. The other three examples are dated AU 9 1847 without code, NO 7 1848/A, and MR 10 1849/A, the instrument was sent out from GPO, London MY 1 1847 during the lifetime of Type A11 so clearly a separate duty was planned. These intermittent strikes came during the life of the GRENADA serifed dbl-arc (Type A11 proofed GPO London AP 5 1844) recorded period JY 25 1844 to OC 29 1857 and as a backstamp on early GB used Grenada entires.
Major General Sir Robert Houston KGB (1780-1862) was a British military officer in the service of the East India Company, the fifth son of Andrew Houston, a wealthy Scottish banker and merchant in the West Indies.

GRENADA sans-serif dbl-arc (only 4 known)
(T.8) small cover to Thomas Rankin, Edinburgh rated 1/-, reverse GRENADA MR 10 1849/A despatch and AP 9 (London) and AP 10 arrivals. Ex RUSSELL JONES (estimated £800).
The other three examples are dated AU 9 1847 without code, NO 7 1848/A, AU 27 1850 without code, the instrument was sent out from GPO, London MY 1 1847 during the lifetime of Type A11 so clearly a separate duty was planned. These intermittent strikes came during the life of the GRENADA serifed dbl-arc (Type A11 proofed GPO London AP 5 1844) recorded period JY 25 1844 to OC 29 1857 and as a backstamp on early GB used Grenada entires.

GRENADA stamps:
1875 1/- deep mauve with prominent raised inverted "S" in "POSTAGE" (SG.13c, Cat.£500), fine used.
500 sheets printed (500 errors).

Parish "C" (used St. Patrick's), Grenada postmark
fullish upr. part dated JUL 23 tying diagonally bisected QV 1d green Chalon (SG.19?) to piece.

1875 QV 1/- deep mauve SHLLIING error (SG.13a, Cat.£6500 as normal mint), fine unused without gum ovp'd "SPEC" (as recorded Tim Pearce handbook Page 26, 3rd paragraph). Only 200 copies of the SPEC(IMEN) produced (ie 100 pairs) making at most ONLY TWO EXAMPLES possible with ONE SHLLIING error.
500 sheets of this issue were printed 13 March 1875 and overprinted 15 May 1875, and sent out to the colony 28 May 1875, shortly after the 'SPECIMEN' overprint was applied to two sheets. The issue was fully used and mint copies in good condition are hard to find.

GRENADA to SURINAME postal history
1891 cover with QV 4d pmk'd MR 12 91 to Paramaribo b/stamped 20 3 1891 arrival, irregularly opened missing large part of side flap.
Suriname joined the UPU MY 1 1877 and Grenada joined FE 1 1881

PARCEL-POST, Grenada postmark/cancel
JU 8 03 on KE7 3d (SG.61).

DUNFERMLINE, Grenada postmark/cancel
*/27 FE 29 on KGV 1d (SG.114), perf. fault.

DUNFERMLINE, Grenada postmark/cancel
*/5 JY 33 on KGV 1½d (SG.115), lower portion of stamp thinned with some perf. faults.

G (used location 4 in the Parish of St. Georges, near the village of St. Pauls), Grenada postmark
arrival cancel dated 25 MR 04 on Trinidad 1d Britannia (SG.128).

"F" (used Carriacou), Grenada postmark/cancel
large part strike on QV Keyplate 4d Revenue issue, unusual.

BIRCHGROVE, Grenada postal history
1900 wrapper(?) piece with folded side flaps lightly handstamped PRINTED PAPER to W.H. Allder Esq, C.S. Office with QV ½d tied BIRCHGROVE C/JU 7 00 cds.

ST. GEORGE'S, Grenada postmark/cancel
(small lettering) postally used on QV 2d REVENUE dated C/MY 9 95.

D used ST. ANDREW'S, Grenada postmark/cancel
dated 8 AP 3 on 1902 KE7 2/- green and ultramarine Crown CA wmk (SG.64, Cat.£65), extremely unusual on this denomination.

UNSEALED RATE, Grenada postal history
1895 unsealed rate cover to Utica, New York with QV ½d dull green pmk'd ST. GEORGE'S sideways facing down C/NO 25 95 cds.

1948 cover intended for Captain. E. W. Hensen on the S/S Alcoa Roamer care of the Alcoa Steamship Company in Mobile, Alabama with KG6 2½d x 2, 6d (11d rate) pmk'd GPO Grenada 10 DE 48, presumed no longer working for the company as purple "Missent to ......." handstamp applied, backstamped light Spring Hills, Ala 14 DEC 48 machine.

GRENADA stamps:
Prominent short "R" in GRENADA on QV 2/- REVENUE issue manuscript dated "20/6/02" used.

GRENADA stamps:
Prominent short "R" in GRENADA on QV 6d REVENUE issue manuscript used, creased lower left side.
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