JAMAICA "A01" postmark transferred to G.P.O. London Foreign Section on CHILE stamp (Type E) cancelling uncancelled Chile 10c orange Columbus issue. £60
CHILE postal history 1906 b/w ppc of La Laguna, Santiago with text at base to Fort de France, Martinique with 2c, 20c pmk'd 22 1 05 with JAMAICA/TRANSIT ("A" below last leg of "M") and Kingston 5F/FE 19 05 transit alongside, some blemishes. £115
VALPARAISO postmark on GB 5/- rose Plate 1 (SG.Z88, Cat.£400). £125
CHILE to BARBADOS with JAMAICA/TRANSIT (A below right leg of M) on CHILE 1c Post Card uprated with 2c pmk'd Santiago 15 JUL 02 to Evan King, Barbados showing KINGSTON AU 24 02 d/ring and JAMAICA/TRANSIT alongside address panel, reverse AU 31 02 arrival. £195