74, Ceylon postmark/cancel on QV 16c pale violet CC wmk (SG.126) £10
13, Ceylon postmark/cancel on QV 4c rosy mauve CA wmk (SG.148). £14
60, Ceylon postmark/cancel on QV 8c yellow CC wmk (SG.124a). £20
28, Ceylon postmark/cancel on 1868 QV 1d deep blue CC wmk P.14 (SG.61). £48
48 used PUSILLAWA, Ceylon postal history full card pmk'd JY 9 89. £20
35 used HALDUMMULLAH, Ceylon postal history full card pmk'd DE 18 86. £18
BRITISH HONDURAS to CEYLON 1893 use of QV 3c UPU Post Card to Grand Pass, Colombo pmk'd Belize A/AP 27 93 with London MY 23 93 and Colombo JU 3 93, three very damaged corners. £12
GRANDPASS, Ceylon full text card pmk'd JY 26 87. £9
ADEN postmark/cancel on CEYLON stamp (SQC) FE 7 95 on QV 30c (SG.247). £60
74, Ceylon postmark/cancel on 1877 32c slate Crown CC wmk (SG.128). £14
29, Ceylon postmark/cancel on 1870 48c rose CC wmk (SG.130). £16
41, Ceylon postmark/cancel on 1872 48c rose CC wmk (SG.130), w/marginal copy with some smaller faults. £9
TRINCOMALEE, Ceylon postmark on forged ST. KITTS-NEVIS stamp 1903 5/- Medicinal Spring (SG.10), a forgery believed to have been cleverly executed by the Belgian forger Dr Julian Smeets by bleaching out the design of used copies of the 1886 Ceylon QV 5c dull purple (SG.195) to a give a "blank" CA wmk P.14 stamp; only immediately given away by the indelible ink portion of a (TRINC)OMALEE (Ceylon) cds which could not be removed. £80
BALANGODA, Ceylon postmark on forged ST. KITTS-NEVIS stamp 1903 5/- Medicinal Spring (SG.10), a forgery believed to have been cleverly executed by the Belgian forger Dr Julian Smeets by bleaching out the design of used copies of the 1886 Ceylon QV 5c dull purple (SG.195) to a give a "blank" CA wmk P.14 stamp; only immediately given away by the indelible ink portion of a (BA)LANGODA (Ceylon) cds which could not be removed. £80
19., Ceylon postmark/cancel on QV 15c CC wmk (SG.126). £14
29, Ceylon postmark/cancel on QV 4c CC wmk (SG.122). £8
41, Ceylon postmark/cancel on QV 4c CC wmk (SG.122). £6
57, Ceylon postmark/cancel on QV 4c CC wmk (SG.122), corner perf, fault. £9