VENEZUELA - CURACAO - FRANCE (Entomology, Lepidoptera Acha) 1899 use of uprated 10c Post Card headed "Meriden 31 Mayo 1899" to Besancon, France showing CURACAO 16 6 1899 transit sqc. £90
FRANCE to REPUBLIC HONDURAS missent to the BAHAMAS full cover pmk'd 10-1-1979 £18
FRANCE via MARTINIQUE to Soufriere, ST. LUCIA 1816 entire headed "Bordeaux le 28 Avril 1816" carried privately to St. Pierre, Martinique and then sent on to Monsieur Ribadieu, La Suffriere, Ile Ste Lucie, no postal markings. £150
JERSEY, Channel Islands and ST. MALO, France combination postal history 1904 use of GB KE7 1d carmine UPU Post Card pmk'd JERSEY JA 13 04 with France 10c adhesive pmk'd ST. MALO 14 1 04 addressed to Orme, France showing 15 JANY 04 arrival. £60
French postmarks on ST. VINCENT stamp Squares and numeral 4509 as arrivals on 1861 QV 1d rose-red (SG.1). £36
FRANCE to CAPE OF GOOD HOPE postal history 1855 (FE 12) entire written Paris to Monsieur le Consul de France, Cape de Bonne Esperance with 20c, 40c, 80c plus excised missing stamp arriving Cape of Good Hope MY 5 1855, adhesives with faults. £120
MALTA to Helsingor, DENMARK postal history 1885 unsealed printed rate cover to Helsingor, Denmark with QV ½d green tied Malta "A25" duplex dated D/DE 31 85, backstamped Helsingor 7/1 arrival, opened at right with enclosed visiting card from the Chancelier du Consulat de France (text on reverse). £275
Proofed/unrecorded ERRONEOUSLY APPLIED unique TRINCOMALEE/RETURNED FOR POSTAGE,CEYLON postal history 1845 wrapper from C. Brun fils, Port Louis pmk'd red MAURITIUS POST OFFICE d/ring dated NO 05 1845 marked "via Ceylon" to Veillon Freres, Bordeaux, France with "Paid 1/8" in dark black ink most unusually landed on Ceylon's north east coast (instead of the southern port of Galle) showing prepared for application TRINCOMALEE/RETURNED FOR POSTAGE datestamp for NO 22 1845 erroneously applied, crossed through, and TRINCOMALEE/STEAMER LETTER added for the next day in the same coloured ink. Carried via ALEXANDRIA (JA 7 1846) with 25mm chisels slits and large part PURIFIE AU LAZERET/MALTE handstamp added showing red PAQ. ANG. MARSEILLES (16 JANV 46) on address panel and Bordeaux (10 JANV 46) arrival backstamp with 96 decimes to be collected. Exhibition item collecting cancellations from five different countries. Similar RETURNED FOR POSTAGE datestamps were proofed for other Ceylon towns but none are known used. This remarkable example only exists due being wrongly applied. £7250
POSTAGE DUES TWO DIFFERENT COUNTRIES, BRITISH GUIANA postal history 1937 (AP 9) KGV 2c pair underpaid franking from Georgetown most unusually addressed by the sender to three locations arriving Paris (AP 28) with 1fr due added and re-directed MY 10 to London (MY 13) with GB 1d due tied MY 15 37, various tax marks, return to sender, unknown additions as expected for a cover attracting postage dues in two differing countries. £120
FRANCE postal history 1970's Hotel Edison, New York airmail cover used in France to Japan, some soiling etc. £15
BERMUDA postal history 1908 1d red Dock design with simulated perforations printed on paper to resemble a newswrapper with purposeful indecipherable cancellation addressed St. Etienne, French postage dues from another cover added pmk’d St. Etienne 6-3 07.
Port Antonio, JAMAICA to FRANCE postal history 1853 entire to Orleans, France re-directed to Charing Cross, London rated 1/2 with framed red "POSTAGE NOT PAID/TO LONDON" despatched with PORT-ANTONIO dbl-arc (P3) dated MY 6 1853. Lengthy content from John Richards describing the discovery of "copper well interspersed with silver" found on one of his properties and "strong indications of Black Lead" on another. The letter goes on to describe the boom in mining and exploration - "The Parish of Portland seems to be one vast lump of mineral worth, every day brings a new discovery". £240
JAMAICA to FRANCE postal history 1868 stampless entire from Haiti headed "Jacmel 2 Novembre 1868" to Bordeaux showing both KINGSTON A/NO 8 68 and London NO 26 68 transit and 27 NOV arrival, env. shape GB/2F accountancy and handstruck "10" decimes due. £85
Via LISBONNE label, Portugal postal history in deep blue with manuscript (V)or PORTUGAL affixed by hinge to collectors notes with reference to The Philatelist Vol. 17 No.7. Such labels being exceedingly rare. Scans of green "Via Brindisi" labels on the only two known Malta covers for reference. The label was issued by Delfosse et Cie., Paris, and is believed to have been used to indicate the route for mail sorted on board ship, one label put on the top cover of a bundle. £525
LONDON MB (Mobile Box) postmark dated 12 AU 24 on France 45c. £8
SOUTHAMPTON FRANCE MB (movable box) postmark (Rob. MB.3) dated 19 JU 04 on France 25c, central paper bends. £10
SOUTHAMPTON FRANCE MB (movable box) postmark (Rob. MB2) dated 9 20 85 on France 25c. £10
LE HAVRE SEINE with manuscript “Samῠi” paquebot cancel on ST. LUCIA stamp arrival dated 7-6 14 on KGV 1d (SG.79). £75
PAQUEBOT LIVERPOOL postmark on Cote D'Ivoire stamps arrival dated 1 SP 12 on pair 5c. £15
DAKAR, Senegal postmark on Sierra Leone stamps tying piece with KE7 1d PSE with added QV 1½d tied 7 AVRIL 03 datestamp. £15