Dropped "O" in "ONE" variety, DOMINICA postal history 1917 cover with "Estate of Jno J. Tavernier, Wholesale & Retail Provisions Dealer" sender's address marked "per S.S. Chignecto" to Wholesale Fish Merchants, Jones Wharf, Halifax, Nova Scotia with "ONE HALFPENNY" (dropped "0" variety) WAR TAX, 1d View pmk'd Roseau JA 1 17, no backstamps. £75
BARBADOS "USED ABROAD" U.P.U. POST CARD ACCEPTED IN ERROR AT DOMINICA 1886 use of Barbados QV 1½d brown UPU Post Card with cross-written text headed "Mar 29" pmk'd Dominica vertical "A07" at Roseau with C/AP 3 86 despatch cds alongside to Miss M.B. Clinckett, Rev. Canon Branch, The Rectory, Barrouallie, St. Vincent with only KINGSTOWN C/AP 8 86 arrival b/stamp, corner fault but a fine example of accepted mail which should not have been accepted without penalty. £275
MISSENT or POST OFFICE KNOWS BEST, Dominica and St. Vincent postal history 1886 use of Dominica QV 1½d brown UPU Post Card with cross-written text headed "Dec 24" pmk'd vertical "A07" with C/DE 24 86 cds alongside to Miss M.B. Clinckett, Rev. Canon Branch, The Rectory, Barrouallie, St. Vincent with both KINGSTOWN and CALLIAQUA C/DE 30 86 transit and arrival cds alongside address panel. Barrouallie is situated 14 miles west of Kingstown on the Leeward coast whilst Calliaqua is about 8 miles east of Kingstown at the bottom of the island on the near Windward coast. £525
LEBANESE COMMUNITY in DOMINICA postal history 1937 commercial cover with purple ELIAS GEORGE, The NEW LEBANON STORE, Roseau sender's cachet on flap to Kettering, Northants with KGV 1½d pmk'd Roseau */10 JU 37. £24
Details of the Spiro Brothers forgeries, ST. CHRISTOPHER stamps (in cover section for convenience) 1870 QV 1d in pale lilac as produced by the Spiro Brothers mounted on card with full description details. £24
DOMINICA postal history 1912 opened-out printed sender cover from D.O. RIVIERE & Co to New York marked "p. Parima" with ½d View, 2 x 1d View tied on arrival by N.Y. P.O. HUD. TERM. STA. PAQUEBOT cds dated D/DE 21 1912 with receiver applying DEC 13 1912 str. line to face and DEC 21 1912 inside appended with pencil notes. £36
DOMINICA to AUSTRALIA postal history 1948 printed A.C. Shillingford & Co, Roseau cover to South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia with corner fault KG6 2/6d pmk'd Roseau */17 AP 48 d/ring. Interesting social history about the Shillingford family enclosed. £20
COLIHAUT, Dominica postal history 1948 printed Edwin E. Williams, Colihaut, Importer of Agricultural Machines sender address cover to New York with KG6 3½d pmk'd Roseau */6 MY 48 d/ring. £14
DOMINICA postal history 1932 printed sender cover from A.A. Baron, BELL HALL & BARON GARDEN ESTATES to New York marked "Per S.S. Munamar" with KGV 2½d pmk'd New York PAQUEBOT arrival duplex dated JUL 19 1932. £25
LOWER PENVILLE, Dominica postal history: 1969 cover to Toronto, Canada with Churchill 1c, 24c pmk'd LOWER PENVILLE */MR 29 69. £18
GOVERNMENT H.Q., Commonwealth of Dominica postal history 1980 OHMS stampless local cover (Coat-of-Arms on flap) to Mero, St. Joseph from the Ministry of Education and Health 7 AUG 80 pmk'd GOVERNMENT H.Q. */8 AU 80 using the official address name of COMMONWEALTH OF DOMINICA. £12
DOMINICA postal history 1878 small stampless piece with red DOMINICA PAID/I/SP 27 78 cds (ERD) to J.W. Shannon, Barbados. £225
ST. JOSEPH, Dominica postal history 1921 reg. front only with 3½d rate to Huddersfield pmk'd */MY 28 21. £24