WEST BAY, Cayman Islands postal history 1913 part cover front with KGV 4d tied purple ink WEST BAY d/ring JY 2 1913 with same date Georgetown d/ring alongside. £150
EAST END, CAYMAN ISLANDS postal history 1911 large part cover to Headly Dalton (or Patton), Kingston, Jamaica with ¼d brown strip of four (one stamp facially damaged) tied two strikes purple boxed "EAST END/Grand Cayman./RURAL/Post Gollection." temporary rubber handstamp with BODDENTOWN JU 28 11 d/ring backstamp. On arrival eventually "ADVERTISED" and "UNCLAIMED." with red RETURNED LETTER OFFICE, JAMAICA d/ring dated 25 SE 11. Full of character, Ex MARSTON, PODGER. £575
CAYMAN ISLANDS postal history: 1947 First Flight cover Cayman Brac to Kingston, Jamaica with KG6 2½d pmk'd CAYMAN BRAC NO 3 47, b/stamped Half-Way-Tree NO 7 47. £30
CAYMAN BRAC, Cayman Islands postal history 1922 large part cover front to New York with KGV 2½d pmk'd CAYMAN BRAC MY 1 22 with black boxed "SEAMENS CHURCH INSTITUTE/UNCLAIMED" applied blue "MAY 10 1922"; with mauve New York DEC 6 1922 "Moved, Left. No Address" and purple boxed "Returned Letter Branch/DEC 18 1922/JAMAICA." Lots of character. £55
JAMAICA to CAYMAN ISLANDS postal history 1952 advertising cover from The Rapid Vulcanizing Co. Ltd, Kingston to GRAND CAYMAN with KG6 ½d, 2d pmk'd Kingston 25 SEP 1952. £15