| REMOVED/ADDRESS UNKNOWN, Left The Island, CAYMAN ISLANDS to JAMAICA postal history 1913 cover (opened 2 sides) to Chas H. Phelps, Milk River Baths (mineral springs, highly radioactive), Milk River P.O., Jamaica with KGV 1d red pmk'd Type 5 GEORGETOWN MY 3 13 (SG lists FE 25 13 as release or earliest date), re-directed in blue crayon to Moneague House Hotel, Kingston and three times endorsed manuscript "Left the Island" with purple "REMOVED/ADDRESS UNKNOWN." (Proud Type I100) and black "UNCLAIMED." (with stop), red RETURNED LETTER BRANCH, JAMAICA dated 9 JU 13 and presumed sender's name of "Mrs A.J. Robertson" in red crayon at left edge. A rare commercial inter-island cover full of character. £625 | |