TRIPOLI, Barbary Coast to France, MALTA postal history 1878 entire on Emile de Testa printed paper written headed in French "Tripoli 17 Mai 1878" to Paris, France taken to Malta with GB QV 2½d rosy-mauve Plate 10 pmk'd "A25" duplex dated C/MY 20 78 arriving 24 MAI 78. £185
BERMUDA to Libya postal history 1952 (MY 6) petite cover to Homs, Tripolitamia with KG6 1½d pmk'd CRAWL with hand-drawn "T" tax mark, on arrival 5 mils, 10 mils Postage Dues added and tied HOMS, MISURATA 14.5.52 segmented d/ring, cover opened 2 sides. £65