Kyoto, Japan via Broome, Western Australia and Singapore to Egypt, Germany, Switzerland 1913 use of Japan 4 sen deep brown/buff UPU Post Card to The School of Medicine, Cairo written Kyoto 26 April 1913 with BROOME 5 JU 13, Singapore JU 18 13 (reverse), Cairo 8 VII 13 with re-addressing in red ink to Leipzig, Germany and the Hotel Kronenberg, Pontresina, Switzerland. £125
FRANCE postal history 1970's Hotel Edison, New York airmail cover used in France to Japan, some soiling etc. £15
JAPAN TO JAMAICA 1901 unsealed cover with pair 1sn brown to Kingston with Advertised, Unclaimed and Returned Letter Branch 5 AU 01 handstamps alongside address panel, b/stamped TOKIO return dated 6 MAR 01. Francis E Reed was Examiner Education Department Jamaica in 1901 £275