TRANSVAAL to ARGENTINA (gold mining period) 1894 use of 1d PSE with added defective 1d pmk'd Pretoria 25 FEB 94 additionally tied by red London MR 8 94 transit, reverse text headed by an unidentified 'camp' (purity, survey?) with Cape Town D/FE 28 94 transit and Buenos Aires AB 15 94 arrival, central vertical crease. Gold was discovered on the Witwatersrand, in the Transvaal, in 1886. Thousands of white and black South Africans were employed on the mines by 1890. Even though the Transvaal gold mines were the richest in the world they were the most difficult to mine because the reefs lay so deep underground. The gold had to be mined by shafts as opposed to open mines, like diamonds. £95
PRIVATE SHIP LETTER landed LE HAVRE and LONDON, Brazil postal history 1837 outer wrapper (with written list of produce on reverse) docketted "Buenos Ayres 9 Nov, received 7 Feb" marked "p. Phoenix via Havre" to Huth & Co., London with boxed "PAYS D'OUTREMAR/PAR LE HAVRE" and upper flap displaying red ink SHIP LETTER/(crown)/LONDON dated 7 FE 1838, a rare combination. £225
BRITISH HONDURAS to ARGENTINA postal history 1934 use of KGV 3c PSRE with added corner marginal KGV 5c (sheet number 1592) lightly pmk'd Registration Belize 30 MY 34 cds to Puerto Deseado, Argentina, b/stamped New York 6-9 1934 and Buenos Aires 4 JUL 34 and Puerto Deseado 19 JUL 34. £65
BARBADOS to ARGENTINA postal history 1933 cover to Buenos Aires with KG6 2½d Badge pmk'd GPO machine dated 2 SEP 1933. £25
COLOMBIA with JAMAICA/TRANSIT to AGENTINA 1887 use of Colombia 2c black/buff Post Card with full text headed "Nov 7 1887" to Buenos Aires, Argentina showing despatch, arrival and transit marks including handstruck JAMAICA/TRANSIT ("A" below middle of "M") supported by Kingston DE 5 87 sqc, some faults. £85
ARGENTINA to Jamaica missent Bermuda postal history 1951 cover with 5c x 2, 35c, 1 peso pmk'd Callao 16 JUL 51 to Jamaica with red str. line "MISSENT TO BERMUDA", reverse crisply struck Hamilton 12 SEP 51 and Morant Bay OC 3 51. £80