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KUWAIT to CYPRUS postal history
1952 cover with GB KG6 ovp'd KUWAIT 6 ANNAS to Nicosia pmk'd AHMEDI 23 SP 52, b/stamped 29 SP 52 arrival.

CYPRUS postal history Ex GLASSCO
1878 with GB QV 2½d rosy-mauve Plate 12 pmk'd "942" with Larnaca B/DE 4 78 despatch to London, part flap removed. Ex GLASSCO.

G.R. AY. YEORGIOS (KYRENIA), Cyprus postal history
(T.28) on KG6 1½pi cover, reverse Nicosia 30 AU 46 and Kyrenia AM AU 46 cds

RETURNED-LETTER-OFFICE, Cyprus postal history
(T.10AA) B/MR 19 00 on QV ½pi Newswrapper pmk'd Nicosia B/JA 10 00 to Cairo where boxed REFUSE added.