| Code 4 used ST. GEORGE, Barbados postal history (M2-R, replacement cds with wording further away from outer rim) arrival dated (4)/JA 8 (87) both code and year not inserted (LRD) on QV ½d red-brown Post Card written "St. John's Jany 8th" and posted with Bridgetown open bootheel duplex dated A/JA 8 87 to His Honor, The Speaker, Greens, St. George. Confirmation that this is the Parish code 4 cds comes with the damaged rim at 8 o'clock as found on earlier dates on loose adhesives. The current ERD for the M3 series cds is only 10 days later, JA 18 87. The earliest strikes JA 18 87 to OC 23 90 also show no code 4, at some point thereafter the code 4 was inserted. £240 | |