ST. THOMAS, Danish West Indies to ST. LUCIA 1890 use of 3c pink UPU Post Card pmk'd ST. THOMAS 18 11 1890 to the Colonial Bank, St. Lucia with ST. LUCIA C/NO 21 90, some soiling. £125
ST. LUCIA postal history 1946 St. Lucia Philatelic Society First Exhibition unaddressed cover with KG6 ½d pmk'd Castries 10 FE 46 d/ring. £24
BARBADOS postal history 1899 unsealed rate cover with handstruck purple "MAIL VIA ST. LUCIA." to New York with ½d Seal pmk'd B/JY 24 99. £60
BERMUDA to ST. LUCIA postal history 1933 (FE 9) underpaid "Panton" (name erased) cover to Castries with ¼d Caravel pmk'd PAGET, tax handstamp and St. Lucia 2d Postage Due added and tied 15 FE 33 cds. £80
Combination BERMUDA and ST. LUCIA postal history c1932 underpaid combination cover with Canadian Government Merchant Marine Ltd/(flag) flap with Bermuda 1d Caravel and St. Lucia KGV 2d to Sheffield, Massachusetts, tax handstamps. £48
GRENADA postal history 1944 stampless OHMS/S. DE S.M. cover to Mrs Rose Joseph, Gouyave Estate with purple oval WINDWARD ISLANDS/2 DEC 1944/GARRISON H.Q. cachet, reverse GOUYAVE */11 DE 44 and */14 DE 44 d/rings. £95
ST. LUCIA postal history 1877 cover with 1/- deep orange (SG.18a) pmk'd black "A11" smudge with similarly poor ST. LUCIA JU 28 1877 despatch dbl-arc to Paris, France re-directed to Fontainebleau (in the inverted position) on reverse. There is no indication that the adhesive belonged elsewhere, and the black smudge just extends onto the cover. Note the black vertical line in the cancel which matches the vertical crease below (and reverse) which strongly suggests there was an enclosure partly causing the poor strike. £200
A.O. (autres objets), Mauritius postal history purple circled alongside address panel to St. Lucia with QE2 5c,15c,50c pmk'd Quatre Bornes 15 NO 65, reverse without backstamps but ink marked ""Rec'd 20/11/65". Post Office introduced a second class mail for non-urgent matter at half the usual airmail rate £60
ST. LUCIA to NEW SOUTH WALES 1898 cover to E. Wallwork, "Carrington", Newcastle, New South Wales with enclosed letter bearing QV ½d and 1d pmk'd C/NO 25 98, b/stamped Sydney and Newcastle (JA 10) and Carrington (JA 11). £60