FIRST EMPIRE FLYING BOAT 1½d rate, SOUTH AFRICA to EGYPT postal history 1937 cover with Claremont sender address on reverse marked "First Empire Flying Boat 1½d rate" to Cairo, Egypt with 1½d tied Cape Town JUL 3 1937 machine, on arrival framed "RETOUR" and pencil "to sender", on reverse boxed "UNCLAIMED/NON RECLAME" handstamp, some toning. £24
UNCLAIMED MAIL TO THE PURSER ON BOARD "CARNARVON CASTLE", South Africa postal history 1953 cover to John Havers, Purser on the Carnarvon Castle, Cape Town Docks with boxed purple "UNCLAIMED/ON BOARD/23 NOV 1953/"CARNARVON CASTLE" re-directed both Dunnothar Castle and to Durban with KG6 2d pmk'd Cape Town 21-11 1953 machine, reverse purple Durban Agency of the Steamship Line cachet dated 27 NOV 1953. £65
SOUTH AFRICA to BERMUDA postal history 1942 censored cover to Hampstead, London with 1½d mining issue pmk'd JOHANNESBURG 16.1.42, forged violet CM21 PASSED BY CENSOR/47/BERMUDA added to reverse supported with deceiving address changing to The Princess Hotel, Hamilton, Bermuda as the cover never went to Bermuda, small corner fault. £80
MALIPS DRIFT, Transvaal postal history 23 DEC 1926 on South Africa KGV 1½d PSE with added KGV ½d to Alnwick re-addressed Carlisle, some soiling. £20
SALISBURY ST PRETORIA, Transvaal postal history previously unrecorded office with mauve REGISTRATION OFFICE/19 MAR 1959/SALISBURY ST PRETORIA d/ring oval on reverse reg. cover to UK pmk'd CENTRAL/SENTRAAL/STR. PRETORIA 18 III 59 d/ring. £24
SILVERTON, Transvaal postal history on reg. cover dated 25 IX 56. £6
INCONNU/NOT KNOWN/ONBEKEND applied PIETERMARITZBURG, Transvaal postal history with POLISH AIR FORCE boxed on GB KG6 1d cover from Blackpool 18 NO 42 with purple jusqu'a bars denoting insufficient for airmail, on arrival pmk'd 25 II 43/15 and 13 III 43/41 with 4 MAY 1943 return arrival backstamp, some peripheral faults. £95
S.A.R. & H. GERDAU. 566, Transvaal incoming from India stampless cover b/stamped MAROLI BAZAR 21 MAR 33 with One Anna Due h/stamp added PONSRA, further tax h/stamps confirming 1d, pair 2d Postage Dues required tied 12 APR 33 arrival, some toned perfs and ragged opening at left. £250