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ITW (Initial Training Wing) BULAWAYO, Rhodesia postal history
1944 stampless On Active Service cover to London with sender address on flap pmk'd ITW BULAWAYO FE 23 44 with purple OPENED BY CENSOR and crowned RHODESIA/OFFICIAL PAID/AIR TRAINING GROUP cachet.

ITW (Initial Training Wing) BULAWAYO, Rhodesia postal history
1944 stampless On Active Service cover to London with sender address on flap pmk'd ITW BULAWAYO MR 15 44 with purple PASSED/CENSOR/A B/No.6 and crowned RHODESIA/OFFICIAL PAID/AIR TRAINING GROUP cachet.

BELVEDERE CAMP, Southern Rhodesia postal history
1944 stampless "On Active Service" censored cover to Sqdn. Ldr. E. G. Brant, R.A.F. Station, Warboys, Huntingdonshire with BELVEDERE CAMP 9 AUG 44 d/ring, Crowned RHODESIAN/OFFICIAL FREE/AIR TRAINING GROUP cachet. Sender Briant K.A., R.A.T.G. Salisbury.