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Country: Rhodesias Clear
Subject: military cachet Clear

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1960 opened-out printed AIR MAIL envelope with both oval Royal Coat-of-Arms on flap and "CODE No. 23-31." alongside to Foyles Book Shop, London with QE2 3d pmk'd Salisbury 28 DEC 60, red 5-line "Authorised for Transmission/by Air Mail at Concessional/Rate./U.K.S.L.S. (Army Element), Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia" handstamp.

BULAWAYO 1., Rhodesia postal history
1942 stampless On Active Service cover to Goole, Yorkshire with sender address on flap pmk'd BULAWAYO 1. dated 10 JUL 42 with purple crowned RHODESIAN/OFFICIAL PAID/AIR TRAINING GROUP cachet.

ITW (Initial Training Wing) BULAWAYO, Rhodesia postal history
1944 stampless On Active Service cover to London with sender address on flap pmk'd ITW BULAWAYO FE 23 44 with purple OPENED BY CENSOR and crowned RHODESIA/OFFICIAL PAID/AIR TRAINING GROUP cachet.

ITW (Initial Training Wing) BULAWAYO, Rhodesia postal history
1944 stampless On Active Service cover to London with sender address on flap pmk'd ITW BULAWAYO MR 15 44 with purple PASSED/CENSOR/A B/No.6 and crowned RHODESIA/OFFICIAL PAID/AIR TRAINING GROUP cachet.

I.T.W.CAMP (Initial Training Wing Camp) BULAWAYO, Rhodesia postal history
1944 stampless On Active Service cover to London with sender address on flap pmk'd I.T.W.CAMP, BULAWAYO 22 MAR 44 with purple crowned RHODESIA/OFFICIAL FREE/AIR TRAINING GROUP cachet.

2nd (Nyasaland) Battalion King's African Rifles, Rhodesia postal history
1955 cover with ORDERLY ROOM cachet and Lusaka */4 AP 55 despatch to Lahore, Pakistan.