Images: 1
Parish "C" (used St. Patrick's), Grenada postmark
fullish upr. part dated JUL 23 tying diagonally bisected QV 1d green Chalon (SG.19?) to piece.


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DOMINICA postmark/cancel
no code/MR 2 83 on HALF PENNY on right hand bisected QV 1d lilac (SG.12, Cat.£40).


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MONTSERRAT PAID postmark/cancel
CONTRARY TO REGULATIONS dated A/FE 16 84 tying bisected QV 1d red CC wmk P.12 (SG.6b) on local piece addressed the Gazette.
All Montserrat covers 1876 to end 1878 (including the numerous bisect covers to Dominica and St. Christopher) have the adhesives corrected "killed" by the "A08" obliterator with despatch datestamp alongside on the cover, only one exception is noted with pair QV 6d green to Islington, London (ex Hopkins, Thompson, Toeg) dated NO 25 78 with adhesives solely cancelled MONTSERRAT PAID cds.


Images: 1
DEVON, Transvaal postmark
26 MAY 20 on vertically bisected SA KGV 1d piece.

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Subject: Bisects Clear

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