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Country: Sierra Leone Clear Subject: Pmks (Liverpool) Clear
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SIERRA LEONE to BELGIUM postal history 1895 use of QV ½d Post Card marked per S.S. "Roquelle" to Hasselt, Belgium pmk'd "B31" with FREETOWN B/JY 13 95 plus handstruck "LATE", landed with red LIVERPOOL A/AU 5 95/SHIP cds (Private Ship as opposed to Liverpool Packet arrival) with HASSELT 7 AOUT 1895 arrival, lengthy reverse text in French. Rare destination. £200
WATERLOO, Sierra Leone postal history (156.01) dated B/JU 10 (95) (ERD) on QV 1d carmine UPU Post Card pmk'd indistinct "B31" overstruck Eccles C73 duplex addressed Manchester re-directed Bolton. £95
ORON, Sierra Leone maritime postmark purple 4-line on 2 x KE7 1d piece tied partial PAQUEBOT arrival d/ring. £25