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Country: Trinidad Clear
Subject: Multiples Clear

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TRINIDAD stamps:
Litho forgery of the undenominated (1d) Britannia design in deep blue/white reverse in an imperforate used block of four stamps, rare in multiple.

TRINIDAD stamps:
Litho forgery of the undenominated (1d) Britannia design in pale mauve in an imperforate used block of four stamps, rare in multiple.

TRINIDAD stamps:
Litho forgery of the undenominated (1d) Britannia design in black in an imperforate used block of four stamps, rare in multiple.

TRINIDAD stamps:
Litho forgery of the 4d Britannia design in purple in an imperforate used block of four stamps, rare in multiple.

TRINIDAD stamps:
Litho forgery of the 6d Britannia design in green in an imperforate used block of four stamps, rare in multiple.

TRINIDAD stamps:
Litho forgery of the 1/- Britannia design in purple in an imperforate used block of four stamps, rare in multiple.

SAN FERNANDO (M.O.O.), Trinidad postmark
FE 28 1880 on horiz. strip of three SIDEWAYS Crown CC ½d mauve (SG.99a). Rare multiple.

TRINIDAD stamps:
1869 (1d) lake Crown CC SIDEWAYS and REVERSED wmk (SG.69a), generally fine mint block of four, minor central perf. toning.