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Country: South Africa Clear Subject: Newly discovered Clear
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LENZ, Transvaal postmark Putzel unrecorded dated 18 JAN 46 on South Africa 2d. No postmarks previously seen for first office opening SP 20 1943 to AP 7 1947 £14
VYANDSVLEI, Orange River Colony postmark dated 13 MAY 19 on South Africa KGV 1d piece. Putzel unlisted £28
WITKOPJES, Transvaal postmark 23 OCT 13 on horiz. pair South Africa KGV 1d. Putzel unlisted, this currently the only known example of any postmark from this short-lived office £65
WILLOWBROOK, Transvaal postmark 12 JAN 15 on vertical pair South Africa KGV 1d piece. Putzel unlisted £24
WHITERIVER, Transvaal skeleton postmark 31 MY 1946 on South Africa KG6 2d piece. Putzel unlisted £9
PRETORIA WEST, Transvaal skeletonpostmark 9 FE -- (no year) on South Africa 6d piece. Putzel unlisted £14
NEW ARNHEM, Transvaal postmark newly discovered dated 16 MAY 1914 on South Africa KGV 1d. Putzel unrecorded, this currently being the only known postmark of any type for this office £80
MESSINA, Transvaal skeleton postmark 10 FE 1936 on block of six South Africa 1d. M ESSINA spacing variety Putzel unlisted £25
DUNDONALD, Transvaal postmark Newly discovered short-lived 1st office cancel dated 5 NOV 17 on South Africa KGV 1d piece. Putzel unrecorded, 1st office opened for 9 months only period JY 1 1917 to AP 1 1918 £85
MAFETENG, Basutoland skeleton postmark (D13-1) JU 13 21 on South Africa KGV 2d, 4d piece with "R" in oval (applied Maseru?) and bluish 2-line -MAFETENG.-/BASUTOLAND. (unrecorded reg. h/stamp or private marking?). £90
KLEINOOD T.O., Transvaal postmark newly discovered purple TRD dated 23 JAN 1935 on 3 x Orange River Colony 1s. on 1/- V.R.I. and damaged corner South Africa 1d on Telegram piece (which should have been destroyed). Putzel unrecorded £150
DENVER, Transvaal postal history 26 FEB 1917 tying pair SA KGV 2½d on cover, opened 3 sides, to Edinburgh, h/struck DENVER reg. h/stamp. Handstruck DENVER h/stamp Putzel unrecorded £18
SALISBURY ST PRETORIA, Transvaal postal history previously unrecorded office with mauve REGISTRATION OFFICE/19 MAR 1959/SALISBURY ST PRETORIA d/ring oval on reverse reg. cover to UK pmk'd CENTRAL/SENTRAAL/STR. PRETORIA 18 III 59 d/ring. £24
BARBERTON, South Africa skeleton postmark (CDS) MR 8 1919 on KGV 1d (SG.4) piece. Putzel unlisted £12
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Transvaal postmark dated 2 VI 43 on South Africa 6d (SG.102). Putzel unrecorded £15
MOHEME, Transvaal postmark (D/R) 23 NOV 18 on South Africa KGV 1d (SG.4). Putzel unrecorded £75
JH. (used Johannesburg), Transvaal postmark unrecorded purple ink parcel canceller with "2" at base on vertical bilingual pair Perf.14 x 13½ 1930 1/- Wildebeest (SG.36a, Cat.£90.00). Putzel unrecorded (similar type J.H. with "2" at base recorded) £48
JEPPE/STR. J.H., Transvaal postmark purple parcel canceller with "3" at base on bilingual pair 1939 1/- Wildebeest (SG.62), toned perfs. Putzel unrecorded £18