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CONFUSED TOURISTS: GREAT BRITAIN and BERMUDA postal history combination
1932 cover from confused tourists staying at The New St. George Hotel, St. George's, Bermuda addressed Oakland, California with Bermuda 2½d Caravel placed over pair Great Britain KGV 1½d tied ST. GEORGES 23 FEB 32 cds.

Combination BERMUDA and ST. LUCIA postal history
c1932 underpaid combination cover with Canadian Government Merchant Marine Ltd/(flag) flap with Bermuda 1d Caravel and St. Lucia KGV 2d to Sheffield, Massachusetts, tax handstamps.

LEEWARD ISLANDS postal history
POCZTA POLOWA 130 (Polish Field Post 130), Poland postmark: two strikes dated 19 X. 45 tying KGV 1/- and POLAND FIRST TO FIGHT patriotic label (reminder that the Poles were the first nation to be attacked by the Nazis) addressed Chicago, b/stamped BASE ARMY POST OFFICE 15 d/ring dated 23 OC 45, some toning.
Poczta Polowa 130 being 3rd Carpathian Division (attached to the Middle Eastern Forces), mailed from Allied OCCupied Italy about 5 months after Germany's surrender (see Chuck Cwiakala's letter).