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Country: Bermuda Clear
Subject: Destination mail Clear

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ST. GEORGE'S, Bermuda to St. Georges, GRENADA
1872 mourning cover pmk'd STG/JY 28 72 to Grenada with 1865 QV 6d dull purple (SG.6) left to be cancelled at Hamilton with K1 "1", partial St. Thomas and Grenada transit/arrivals, larger part of flap missing. Rare destination.

BERMUDA to FINLAND postal history
1933 cover with ¼d Caravel block of ten to Hameenlinna, Finland pmk'd St. Georges 13 DEC 33, the enclosed Christmas card signed by Mrs A. Booker.

O.A.T. F.S. BERMUDA to HUNGARY postal history
1965 col. ppc of "A Bermuda Home and Garden" to Budapest, Hungary with QE2 9d tied Hamilton 12 MCH 1965 machine, boxed purple "O.A.T./F.S." added during London transit.

1953 three times postmarked Gibbons Co. printed sender cover to Penhurst, N.S.Wales with KG6 1/- pmk'd Hamilton 8 DEC machine, red boxed "Returned for/3d Postage." added with further KG6 3d pmk'd Hamilton 10 Dec machine for WALES (UK) and with error noted red crayon "AUSTRALIA" added prior further "Returned for/1/- Postage." with defective KG6 1/- affixed tied Hamilton 12 DEC 53 cds.

SOUTH AFRICA to BERMUDA postal history
1942 censored cover to Hampstead, London with 1½d mining issue pmk'd JOHANNESBURG 16.1.42, forged violet CM21 PASSED BY CENSOR/47/BERMUDA added to reverse supported with deceiving address changing to The Princess Hotel, Hamilton, Bermuda as the cover never went to Bermuda, small corner fault.

OFFICIAL PAID not accepted, Returned For Postage, Bermuda postal history
1951 OHMS foolscap airmail cover with Civil Aviation Department, Bermuda sender's address to G.A. Osborn, Air Traffic Control, Dusseldorf Airport, Germany initially posted Hamilton 9 JUL machine supported with red BERMUDA-OFFICIAL/PAID handstamp being subsequently deleted in red crayon with boxed red "Returned for/(1/6) Postage.", three KG6 6d added and pmk'd Hamilton 12 JUL 51 with FIELD POST OFFICE 893 d/ring dated 18 JY 51 as arrival backstamp.
The authoritative Geoffrey Osborn formed one of the very best postal history collections of Bermuda.

BAILEY'S BAY, BERMUDA postal history
1902 cover with ONE FARTHING on QV 1/- slate strip of five and two pairs paying the correct 2½d rate to Nancy, France pmk'd BAILEY'S BAY B/JA 17 1902 d/rings with Nancy 29-1 02 arrival struck on upper reverse flap, minor faults.

HARRINGTON SOUND to DENMARK, Bermuda postal history
1935 reg. cover from Castle Harbour Hotel, Tucker's Town (printed flap which opens to display) to Denmark with 4-colour combination Caravel issues ¼d x two pairs, ½d, 1½d, 2½d indistinctly pmk'd HARRINGTON SOUND 14 FEB 35 with Plymouth, Devon reg. oval transit and LEMVIG arrival backstamps.

1906 with printed sender "FRED J. BANKART, SUCCESSOR TO A. PEROT & Co. DEMERARA" marked "p. French Mail" to Beaune, France with 5c pmk'd Georgetown 4 JUL 1906, alongside octagonal d/ring CAYENNE A FORT-DE-FRANCE LC dated 6 JUL 06.
There are strong links between the Perot's of British Guiana and Bermuda. Covers from Demerara (1859) and Berbice (1872) are known to William H. Perot, Baltimore, son of the famous William Bennett Perot of Bermuda. Two 1833 entires from Demerara to Philadelphia have manuscript endorsement “Hamilton, Bermuda. Forwarded by Your Most Ob Servant Wm. B. Perot” whilst working as a forwarding agent during the period before he was appointed Postmaster of Bermuda by warrant dated SP 6 1836.

ARGENTINA to BERMUDA postal history
1942 (JY 16) cover with block of four 5c to North Shore, Pembroke, largely intact EXAMINED BY/1953 label,

1931 cover with GB KGV 1½d tied Glasgow machine dated 3 SEP 1931 to "BAMENDA, B.W.I." with handstruck "NOT KNOWN" and "ADVERTISED" applied Barbados 19 SEP 1931 (backstamp) with manuscript "Try Bermuda" amended "Not" with "Try" deleted with Hamilton 23 NOV 31 backstamp, originally poorly opened 3 sides but frontal tear at right sealed with tear at left open.

CANADA to BERMUDA postal history
1952 cover with Canada 7c pmk'd Montreal to Harrington House, Baileys Bay with numerous instructional and tax handstamps showing handstruck Bermuda "POSTAGE/3d/DUE", eventually marked "Return to Sender", soiling etc but full of character.

EGYPT to BERMUDA postal history
1942 censored Ionian Bank, Alexandria (printed flap) cover with 1 mil pair, 20 mil pmk'd 1 MR 42 to Hamilton, peripheral faults.

BERMUDA to Denmark postal history
1951 (JU 27) underpaid cover to Copenhagen with KG6 6d x 2 tied Hamilton machine, boxed red "Returned for/Postage" appended "6" deleted as further KG6 6d added and tied Hamilton 28 JUN 51 cds, no backstamps.

BERMUDA to Libya postal history
1952 (MY 6) petite cover to Homs, Tripolitamia with KG6 1½d pmk'd CRAWL with hand-drawn "T" tax mark, on arrival 5 mils, 10 mils Postage Dues added and tied HOMS, MISURATA 14.5.52 segmented d/ring, cover opened 2 sides.

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC to Bermuda postal history
1953 (FE 24) cover to Paget East with 1c, 7c,10c franking pmk'd Ciudad Trujillo, reverse Paget arrival.

AUSTRALIA to Bermuda postal history
1952 (MR 19) reg. cover with 2/6d Aborigine pmk'd Eildon, Queensland to Pembroke West with EXPRESS label, Eildon, Brisbane, Sydney, New York transit backstamps but no arrival being unusual for secured mail.

BERMUDA to Belgian Congo forwarded Cape of Good Hope postal history
1941 (AU 4) KG6 3d, 6d, 1/- pmk'd Hamilton to British Liason Staff, Leopoldville re-directed Standard Bank of S. Africa in Cape Town, backstamped Elisabethville (SP 19) and Leoploldville (SP 21) with indistinct Johannesburg on front.

WALES to Bermuda postal history
1979 (JU 25) stampless cover pmk'd Gwent attracting boxed red "Fine/Return To Sender", purple boxed "INSUFFICIENTLY/PREPAID FOR/AIR MAIL", tax and Bermuda Postage Due handstamps, no backstamps.

BERMUDA to Ceylon postal history
1946 (AU 19) cover with KG6 ½d pmk'd St. Georges to Colombo, Ceylon, no backstamps.
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