PRUSSIA to CAPE OF GOOD HOPE postal history 1860 stampless wrapper "per Royal Mail Str via Plymouth via Ostend" to Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope with red strikes FRANKFURT 5 SEP 1860, circled "P.", LONDON PAID SP 5 60 displaying CAPE TOWN OC 14 1860 arrival on top flap. £125
RECEIVED ON BOARD NEAR THE EQUATOR, Germany and Falmouth (Cornwall) postal history: 1882 stampless cover to Warin, Mecklenburg (Western Pomeramia), Germany marked along top "p. N. German Bark Alma Elisabeth/Received on bord near the Equator" landed with FALMOUTH SHIP LETTER cds dated AP 19 72 and rated "5" in blue crayon, side flap opens to display further FALMOUTH SHIP LETTER AP 19 72 cds overstruck red SHIP LETTER LONDON A/AP 20 72 as it travelled in the overnight sealed ship letter bag with turquoise VERVIERE (Belgium) 20 4 transit, a little sea water staining at left. A lovely research item. £500