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Country: Malta Clear
Subject: QV covers (late) Clear

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EGYPT to MALTA postal history
1889 use of 5mils carmine UPU Post Card pmk'd Alexandrie 4 XI 89 to Alfred Gouder, Valletta with fine MALTA G/NO 9 89 arrival, full text.

MALTA to TUNISIA postal history
1892 use of QV 1d carmine UPU Post Card to La Goulette pmk'd Malta B/JU 2 92 "A25" duplex, alongside address panel 7 JUIN 92 arrival.

MALTA to ITALY chisel slit due cholera outbreak
1883 cover to Reggio de Calabria (Southern Italy) with two pair plus single Great Britain QV ½d pale green (SG.Z90) tied Malta "A25" duplex dated B/DE 6 83 showing single chisel slit on address panel, reverse 8 12 80 arrival, cover opened at both base and right edges.
Chisel slits were applied due to a cholera outbreak in Southern Italy. Covers with such chisel slits have been noted on Malta outgoing entires for JY 4, JY 8, JY 29, AU 5, AU 12, NO 24, DE 6 1883.

SLIEMA, Malta postal history
1888 used of QV 1d carmine Post Card written at "Sliema 11/5/88" to a Leipzig bookseller pmk'd Malta "A25" duplex dated C/MY 11 88.

EMPIRE 1d rate with MALTA, GIBRALTAR combination
1902 cover to Devonport with Malta QV 1d carmine and Gibraltar QV 1d carmine both tied Gibraltar "A26" duplex dated SP 8 02, b/stamped Devonport SP 13 02 arrival.