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Country: Natal (POA) Clear
Subject: Post Cards Clear

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POA 36, Natal postal history
on QV ½d x 3, QV 1d cover to Mrs. J. Coltman L.D.S., Heaton, Newcastle, reverse m/script "E.S. Bicycle" on flap plus GPO 18 SP 97 despatch and C/OC 11 97 arrival, toning.

POA 64, Natal postal history
Cape Gov't Railways col. ppc headed "Subeni, Zululand" mailed with pair KE7 ½d to Abbey Wood, Kent, alongside VRYHEID AU 21 09 d/ring.

POA 90, Natal postal history
chrome ppc headed "Winkle Spruit P.O. 31/8/05" mailed with KE7 ½d to Stanger.

POA 23 used P.O. LILIENTHAL, Natal postal history
tying KE7 1½d on col. ppc of "A Native Homestead" to Germany re-addressed France showing Dalton and Pitermaritzburg AP 15 11 transits.