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Country: Berm numeral pmks Clear
Subject: QV covers (early) Clear

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A UNIQUE COMBINATION, Bermuda postal history
The second earliest adhesive cover from St. Georges with short-lived K1 "1" plus STG cds combination: 1866 local cover front (peripheral faults) to Mrs Reginald Smith, Olive Bank, Warwick with 1st printing QV 1d rose-red CC wmk (SG.1) tied short-lived K1 "1" with STG cds (P5) dated 15 MR 66 alongside.
Only 9 covers are currently recorded with K1 plus STG cds combination: one with 1d, four with 6d, four with 1/- adhesives. The earliest 1d cover with B/1 and STG cds (P5) combination is dated JY 21 67.