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Country: Jam numeral pmks Clear
Subject: QV covers (early) Clear

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A76 used SPANISH TOWN, Jamaica postal history
(Type O) in blue ink indistinctly tying QV 2d Crown CC (SG.9) on OHMS Royal Arms stationery cover to Kingston dated B/JY 22 80. On arrival ADVERTISED, UNCLAIMED with RETURNED LETTER BRANCH 18 AU 80 handstamps.
Only one other blue ink numeral cover recorded - from Port Antonio with A64 dated JA 25 1878.

A76 used SPANISH TOWN, Jamaica postal history
Type H on vertical strip of four QV 2d pale rose Pine wmk (SG.2) on miniature entire (111x52mm) dated C/AP 1 61 internally to Mandeville P.O., one stamp with clipped corner.