| AROUND THE GLOBE IN 100 DAYS, York, Halifax N.S, San Francisco, Honolulu, Hong Kong, Batavia 1879 QV One Penny Farthing Foreign Post Card written by "John G. Dayn Jan 13th 1879 8pm" and pmk'd same night with YORK "930" duplex dated I/JA 13 79 with addresses and instructions for a bid to travel around the Globe in 100 days via Halifax, Nova Scotia, San Francisco, Honolulu, Hong Kong, Batavia, Java (with comment "out of the direct course"), and back to York showing Halifax JA 27 79, Hong Kong A/MR 19 79, Weltevreden 31 3 79 cds, some toning and closed base tear. Two other similar items are noted for the period with Hong Kong MR 21 79 cds on Denmark post card with USA, Hong Kong, Hawaii adhesives, and Hong Kong MY 10 79 cds on German post card with Hong Kong, South Australia adhesives and via Uruguay address. Jules Verne published his novel "Around the World in 80 days" in 1873. £225 | |