BAHAMAS to SWITZERLAND full reg. cover with KE7 6d MCA wmk (SG.74) pmk'd Nassau 14 SEP 12, Bern 1 X 12 arrival b/stamp £48
Kegalla, CEYLON to London forwarded Zurich and Bernina-Hospiz, SWITZERLAND postal history 1909 cover to London with KE7 6c pmk'd KEGALLA B/JY 15 08 forwarded with GB KE7 1½d pmk'd London AU 4 99 to ZURICH arriving 5 VIII 09 and re-directed Bernina Hospiz arriving 7 VIII 09. £140
BELFAST, Transvaal postal history (D/R) dated 3 SEP 13 on KE7 1d PSE with added pair KE7 1d to Lugano, Switzerland. £18
ZEERUST, Transvaal postal hisory on KE7 1d PSE with added KE7 ½d, 1d dated 17 APR 11 to Switzerland, slightly soiled. £18