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Country: New Zealand Clear Subject: QV covers (early) Clear
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VICTORIA to NEW ZEALAND 1876 printed blue flap of The Commercial Bank of Australia/Geelong marked "p. Albion" to Napier, New Zealand with QV 2d pmk'd Geelong "2" duplex dated 3 X/NO 22 76, neatly b/stamped Melbourne 4 A/NO 23 76 and Napier 6 DE 70/L. £125
HOBART to AUCKLAND WHARF, NEW ZEALAND, Tasmania postal history 1854 outer lettersheet wmk'd "SALMON 1853" and marked "Per Lusia" to William Davis, Auckland Wharf, New Zealand with cut-to-shape Van Dieman's Land QV 4d bright red-orange, clear engraving lines (SG.5, Cat.£1,000, x 6 on cover) pmk'd Hobart numeral "63" showing clear AUCKLAND JY 25 1854/A arrival, both adhesive (small scissor-cut top right) and entire stained but an exceptionally rare destination for this issue. £825
NEW ZEALAND postal history 1870 mourning cover from the Reverend A. Stock to the Reverend E.H. Heywood, Cathedral Library, Auckland with the interprovincial rate paid by 1d pale orange-vermilion and 2d blue pmk'd Wellington "070" duplex dated JU 25 70, backstamped Auckland JU 29 arrival. Reverend Arthur Henry Stock (1823-1901) was a photographer and the b/w photograph shows his house in the Te Aro district of Wellington. £225
NEW ZEALAND postal history 1870 reg. cover front with 2 x 6d tied Wellington "070" duplex to the Old ground or the rookery, Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland showing London 26 NO 70 transit and A/ENNIS/NO 29 70 arrival. Soiled in places. Approximately only 1 in every 100 NZ Chalon covers were sent registered. £265
REGISTERED BOOK POST, New Zealand postal history 1871 opened-each-end foolscap wrapper (232 x 103mm) marked "Per Book Post to be Registered" and "via San Francisco" to Edinburgh, Scotland with QV 4d, 6d tied WELLINGTON duplex dated JA 3 71 with London 27 FE 71 transit and Edinburgh FE 28 71 arrival backstamp, some peripheral edge faults and filing crease but exceptionally rare and probably unique as such. With the termination of the route via Marseilles, the postage rate via Brindisi was reduced to 9d per half ounce letter on THIS SAME DATE of 3 January 1871 £1250
NEW ZEALAND postal history 1866 cover "via Marseilles" to Loughborough with 2d deep blue x 2, 6d red-brown each initialled "K" (at Kowai) and overstruck "C" obliterator, reverse Christchurch AP 13 66 and Loughborough C/JU 11 66 cds £325