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Country: Queensland Clear
Subject: Chalon head Clear

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QUEENSLAND postal history
1879 REGISTERED CLERMONT foolscap cover with QV Chalon 4d, 1/- tied "29" with CLERMONT DE 15 1879 to the Jewellers Asylum, South Hackney, London, b/stamped DE 17 and Adelaide DE 23 79 with two types red London registered oval 18 FE 80 on address panel, peripheral soiling.

By LAND ROUTE inter-colonial rate to Melbourne, Victoria, Queensland postal history
1878 cover to Germain Nicholson, Melbourne with QV 2d Chalon tied "QL" with BRISBANE 4/JU 12 78 despatch alongside, reverse Melbourne JN 17 78 arrival.

QUEENSLAND postal history
1871 foolscap official service cover with Royal Coat-of-Arms printed flap locally to Ipswich with Crowned oval buckled albino embossed PUBLIC LANDS DEPARTMENT cachet manuscript dated "19-4-71" and QV 2d tied QL obliterator, reverse with BRISBANE 4/AU 19 71 and IPSWICH AP 20 1871 and indistinct JU 16 1871 cancels, with ADVERTISED JU 30 1871 on address panel, some soiling.

QUEENSLAND postal history
1878 double rate cover to E.E. Beach, Boro Green, Kent with 2 x QV 6d Chalon pmk'd "QL" with Brisbane I/OC 10 78 cds alongside, on arrival re-directed with SEVENOAKS DE 8 78 duplex, no backstamps.