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QUEENSLAND postal history 1879 REGISTERED CLERMONT foolscap cover with QV Chalon 4d, 1/- tied "29" with CLERMONT DE 15 1879 to the Jewellers Asylum, South Hackney, London, b/stamped DE 17 and Adelaide DE 23 79 with two types red London registered oval 18 FE 80 on address panel, peripheral soiling. £325
By LAND ROUTE inter-colonial rate to Melbourne, Victoria, Queensland postal history 1878 cover to Germain Nicholson, Melbourne with QV 2d Chalon tied "QL" with BRISBANE 4/JU 12 78 despatch alongside, reverse Melbourne JN 17 78 arrival. £150
QUEENSLAND postal history 1871 foolscap official service cover with Royal Coat-of-Arms printed flap locally to Ipswich with Crowned oval buckled albino embossed PUBLIC LANDS DEPARTMENT cachet manuscript dated "19-4-71" and QV 2d tied QL obliterator, reverse with BRISBANE 4/AU 19 71 and IPSWICH AP 20 1871 and indistinct JU 16 1871 cancels, with ADVERTISED JU 30 1871 on address panel, some soiling. £175
QUEENSLAND postal history 1878 double rate cover to E.E. Beach, Boro Green, Kent with 2 x QV 6d Chalon pmk'd "QL" with Brisbane I/OC 10 78 cds alongside, on arrival re-directed with SEVENOAKS DE 8 78 duplex, no backstamps. £140