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"On board ye Hector of Montserratt" landed ANTIGUA straight line
1792 cover headed "On board ye Hector of Montserratt Nov.22 1792" to Mrs. Cockin in Bristol rated 1/2 changed 1/5 landed after lengthy journey with Capt. Ronaldson with ANTIGUA str. line, JA 2 1793 arrival.

The UNIQUE QV 1d red INVERTED "S" cover, Montserrat postal history (Ex THOMPSON)
1886 commercial cover to Mrs. Witham, Basseterre, St. Kitts with accepted by Post Office and correctly tied diagonally bisected QV 1d red (SG.8ca) with full QV 1d red with INVERTED "S" (SG.8a) alongside partly pmk'd identically inked "A08" with both MONTSERRAT A/JA 23 86 despatch and ST. KITTS C/JA 29 86 alongside address panel. A further 1d stamp, making up the 2½d inter-island rate, was lost during transit or subsequently removed, peripheral faults. Ex THOMPSON (1977).
This Perf. 14 bisect Cat.£1300 on cover, Inverted "S" Cat.£1000 and rated from x12 on cover. Sir Edward Bacon whilst examining a full sheet of 120 stamps established that the Setting was twice arranged in five horizontal rows with the inverted "S" appearing Stamp No.3 in both 2nd and 7th rows.