BAHAMAS to Contentment Island full Red Star Line (printed red flag flap) cover pmk'd Nassau 17 FEB 12 re-addressed Contentment Island (America's richest real estate). £24
BAHAMAS cover front from China Hill, Acklins Island, undated. £15
BAHAMAS intact KE7 1d UPU Reply Card (both portions) pmk'd Nassau FE 24 03, no text. £15
BAHAMAS full reg. cover pmk'd Nassau 19 FE 27, reverse New York and Brooklyn arrivals. £14
WEST END, Bahamas postal history 1933 commercial use of KGV reg. 2d postage 1d PSRE opened 2 sides to Huddersfield pmk'd 16 FEB 33, b/stamped Nassau 20 FE 33. £30
WEST END, Bahamas postal history 1933 cover front to Huddersfield with KGV 1d pmk'd WEST END 15 AUG 33. £18
WEST END, Bahamas postal history 1935 cover front to Huddersfield with KGV 1d pmk'd WEST END 1 AU 35. £16
WEMYSS BIGHT, Bahamas cover pmk'd 3 APR 62 £10
SPENCER'S POINT, Bahamas pmk'd Nassau 25 APR 12 to Abaco, SPENCER'S POINT dated 28 APR 12, handstruck UNCLAIMED in both blue and black, no backstamps. £225