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Country: Malta Clear
Subject: Provenance Clear

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MALTA postal history Ex LLOYD-LOWLES
1875 wrapper by Italian steamer "Milano" to Messina, Sicily with GB QV 1d Plate 160, QV 3d Plate 15 twice tied A25 duplex dated C/MALTA/FE 16 75 with boxed red P.D. 2 3/4 accountancy. Ex LLOYD-LOWLES.

MALTA postal history
1872 cover to Firenze, Italy with GB QV 1d red Plate 125 and GB QV 3d Plate 7 pmk'd "A25" duplex dated A/MALTA/AP 13 72, red handstruck 2 3/4, flap missing, various complete backstamps. Ex Michael Lewis.

MALTA postal history (Ex Lloyd-Lowles)
1863 entire with albino embossed sender's oval to Messina with GB QV 1d, QV 3d (no plate numbers) tied pmk'd Malta "A25" duplex dated A/JY 12 63 with boxed "PIROSCAFI/POSTALI/FRANCESCI" handstamp alongside and red crayon "1½" accountancy. Ex LLOYD-LOWLES.