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Country: Natal-datestamps Clear
Subject: QV Head pmks Clear

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Aftermath wreck of Rennie steamer "Waldensian", Natal postal history
1866 piece with QV 6d Chalon pmk'd Pietermaritzburg JAN xx 1863, taken by the "L'Imperatice Eugenie" from Durban on JA 11 1863 as far as Port Elizabeth, the mails then taken overland to Cape Town, showing the PAID/DEVONPORT/CAPE PACKET/28 FE 63 arrival and portion red crayon "4".
The Waldensian" sailing from Durban was wrecked en route to Cape Town on 13 October 1862, the saved mail taken overland from Somerset West to Cape Town.

GILLETS, Natal postal history
(M.4.1) in purple dated OC 2 02 on pictorial views QV 1d Post Card to Kirkcaldy.

POA 95, Natal postal history:
tying QV 1d (SG.99a) on cover to Ormesby, Norfolk, b/stamped LADYSMITH C/5 JY 00 d/ring and Great Yarmouth JY 28 00 cds.

POA 3 plus LADYSMITH skeleton, Natal postal history
transit cancel dated FE 20 1909 on QV 1d Post Card pmk'd P.O.A. 3 written P.O. Sunkelsdrift addressed Berlin, Germany.

HIGH-FLATS, Natal postal history
(N) dated SP 25 02 on QV 1d (SG.99a) cover to Chippenham, Wilts.

DALTON, Natal postal history
(M.2) dated D/AP 19 1901 on QV 1d (SG.99a) cover to Liverpool, some opening tears at left.

GROUTVILLE, Natal postal history
(M.1) dated B/DE 2 95 on QV 2½d rate cover to Akron, Ohio, opened 3 sides and flap removed.

POA 29, Natal postal history
on QV 1d rate cover to Esidumbini Mission Station, Upper Tongaat, b/stamped UMZINTO 30 8 92, Durbam M/AU 30 92, Tongaat 31 8 92, flap opening tear extends into face at top.

POA 44, Natal postal history
on full cover, b/stamped Greytown JU 5 00 cds and Pietermaritzburg 6 JU 1900 d/ring.

POA 2, Natal postal history
on full cover, b/stamped Dundee AU 24 02 arrival, slight soiling, opened 2 sides.

GROUTVILLE, Natal postal history
(M.1) C/JA 13 99 on QV 2½d rate cover to Akron, Ohio, opened three sides.

1901 (AU 10) BOER WAR - UMSINSINI, Natal postal history
(M.4.2) in violet dated A/AU -- 10 (for A/AU 10 01) on QV 1d rate cover to Diyatalawa, reverse E.(crown)R. (KE7) OPENED UNDER MARTIAL LAW label.
A rare office

HARDING, Natal postal history
(N) on strip of three QV 1d mourning cover dated 23 2 91 to Bicester, Oxfordshire (MR 24), some creasing and blemishes.

HATTING SPRUIT, Natal postal history
(M.2) on QV 1d mourning cover dated JU 27 1902 to Pretoria (JU 28), fault at top and 75% reverse flap removed.

1902 (JA 27) BOER WAR - NQUTU, Natal postal history
(M.2) JA 27 1902 tying GB QV 1d on cover to Cradock arriving FE 2 02.

POA 94 used 1902 (JA --) BOER WAR, Natal postal history
on QV 1d rate cover to Diyatalawa Camp, Ceylon, b/stamped FE 15 02 arrival.