BAHAMAS 1940 (AP 10) full cover with handstruck green ink "PASSED BY CENSOR". £15
BAHAMAS full cover with censor 1830, printed flap shows postage rates. £18
BAHAMAS full cover with censor IG/6030 £15
DUCHESS OF WINDSOR (wife of abdicated KE8), Bahamas postal history 1943 GOVERNMENT HOUSE printed flap cover to Saks, Fifth Avenue, New York signed by Secretary to the Duchess of Windsor with KG6 10d rate pmk'd Nassau 19 AUG 43, censor 14797 at left. £28
BAHAMAS to POST-WAR AMERICAN OCCUPATION of VIENNA, AUSTRIA 1948 reg. cover with Plate 1 block of four KG6 3d to Vienna with purple ink Austrian "V1" and 240 inspector handstamps pmk'd Nassau 21 JUN 48. £65
CUBA to BAHAMAS 1944 incoming cover with censor IG/4804 label with Spanish equivalent of insufficient for air transmission b/stamped Nassau MAY 4 1944 arrival. £28
BAHAMAS to POST-WAR AMERICAN OCCUPATION of VIENNA, AUSTRIA 1948 reg. cover with KG6 4d (perf. fault), 6d, 1/- to Vienna with purple ink Austrian "V2" and 706 inspector handstamps. £65
BAHAMAS full RAF sender cover with censor 3193 label. £10
BAHAMAS full cover with censor 4827 label £10
BAHAMAS full cover with censor 4772 label £10
BAHAMAS full cover with censor 491 label £12
BAHAMAS full cover MAY 31 1943 with censor 2667 label £12
BAHAMAS postal history H.M. FORCES OVERSEAS (Duty free for gifts sent to the United Kingdom) affixed large wrapper from R.A.F Nassau dated June 9/43, Opened By Examiner 7693. £60
BAHAMAS censor label IG/9736 on 3/- Seal of Colony full cover pmk'd Nassau MAY 30 1945 £25
BAHAMAS censor label IG/130 on full cover to a Florida hotel with KG6 2d, 8d Columbus pmk'd Nassau DEC 18 1942 £15
BAHAMAS censor label IG/1973 on full cover pmk'd Nassau MAR 4 1945 £24
BAHAMAS censor label G/144 on full cover with KG6 3d Columbus pmk'd Nassau DE 10 1942 £18
BAHAMAS censor G/98 on full cover pmk'd Nassau JUL 7 1942 £28
BAHAMAS censor G/122 on full KG6 ½d rate cover pmk'd Green Turtle Cay 23 NOV 42 £40
BAHAMAS censor G/122 on full cover pmk'd Nassau MAR 2 1943 £24